NB Energy and Utilities Board

Petroleum Products

en franηais

Frequently Asked

Current Maximum Prices

Acts & Regulations



Q: What products have maximum prices established under the Act?

A: The following products have maximum prices:

             Motor Fuels

            Regular unleaded – self-serve and full-serve

            Mid grade unleaded – self-serve and full-serve

            Premium unleaded – self-serve and full-serve

            Low sulphur diesel – self-serve and full-serve

            Ultra-Low Sulphur diesel – self serve and full serve 

            Heating Fuels

            Home heating oil 



Q: What types of sales are covered by the Act?

A: Those sales between a wholesaler and a retailer and between a retailer and a consumer are covered by the Act.


Q: What if I think I have been overcharged?

A: The Board is concerned about the possibility of a retailer charging more for petroleum products than the maximum prices set by the Board.

As there are a large number of retailers and they operate throughout the province, the Board considers that the most effective way to ensure compliance with the Act is to rely on the public to report possible incidences of overcharging.

 If any member of the public believes a retailer has overcharged them they should report this to the Board. The Board requests that complaints to the Board include a copy of a receipt that shows clearly the following information:

             The date of the sale, 

            The type of fuel that was purchased, 

            The price per litre that was charged, and 

            The name and location of the retailer.

You will also need to provide your name, address and telephone number.

The Board will investigate all documented reports of possible overcharging.


 Q: How are the maximum prices established?


STEP 1: Calculating the Benchmark Price: The benchmark prices are based on the average prices in the international markets where the product is sold in significant volumes. For motor fuels and heating oil the benchmark is based on the average New York Harbour Cargo Price. In the case of propane, the Sarnia, Ontario market price is used. 

 STEP 2: Setting the wholesale price: To the benchmark price the wholesale margin is added. The maximum wholesale margin is 6’ per litre for each type of motor fuel, 5’ per litre for home heating oil and 25’ per litre for propane.

 STEP 3: Taxes are added: After the wholesale margin is added, the appropriate taxes are applied. In the case of motor fuels, Federal Excise Tax, Provincial Motor Fuels tax and HST are all applied.  For heating fuels the HST is added. This results in the Maximum Wholesale Price.

STEP 4: Setting the Retail Price:  The retailer is allowed to add 5 cents per litre to the wholesale price. In the case of full-service gasoline, the retailer may also charge an additional 2.5 cents per litre. The HST is then applied to the retail markup to get the Maximum Retail Price. 

STEP 5: Adding the Delivery Charge: The wholesaler may add a delivery charge to cover the cost of delivering petroleum to various parts of the province. This delivery charge is up to 2 cents per litre for motor fuels except in Grand Manan, where the delivery charge is 5 cents.  The maximum delivery charge for home heating oil is 5 cents and for propane it is 10 cents. 

The following table is a summary of the steps: 

Step 1


Benchmark Price


Step 2


Wholesale Margin

Step 3


Federal Excise Tax



Provincial Motor Fuel Tax







Maximum Wholesale Price

Step 4


Retail Margin



Full Service Charge



Maximum Retail Price

Step 5


Delivery Charge



Maximum Total Price


Q: Do wholesalers and/or retailers have to charge the maximum prices?

A: No. Companies are free to charge less for any product. Their actual delivery costs may be lower than the maximum amount permitted. In addition, a wholesaler or retailer may simply decide to sell at lower prices. It is expected that competition will result in retail prices often being less than the maximum.

The actual retail prices for the products may vary up or down. This is acceptable market behaviour as long as the retail price does not exceed the maximum price allowed. If a retailer exceeds the maximum total price allowed, this situation should be reported to the Board.


Q: How often will the maximum prices be set?

A: Normally, maximum prices will be set every week. The new price will take effect on Thursday mornings at 12:01 a.m.  If there is a significant increase or decrease in the benchmark price.  Specifically, if the average market price for motor fuel changes by 6 cents in one day, the maximum wholesale and retail prices will be changed at 12:01 AM on the day following the change in the market price. For home heating oil required change is 5 cents in one day. For propane there must be a 6-cent  change in the average market price in one day to trigger the change.


 Q: How do I contact the Board with a question or Complaint?


            Saint John area                        658-2504

            Toll free province-wide           1-866-766-2782

             Fax:                                         1-506-643-7300

             Email                                   general@nbeub.ca


  Click here to contact Petroleum Products Advisor

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